Papers trilogy on quantitative biokinetics of titanium dioxide nanoparticles just published online!
The biokinetics and clearance of a low single dose (typically 40-400 µg/kg BW) of 48V-radiolabeled, pure TiO2 anatase nanoparticles ([48V]TiO2NP) with a median aggregate/agglomerate size of 70 nm in aqueous suspension after intravenous injection into female Wistar rats. Biokinetics and clearance were followed from 1-hour to 4-weeks. The use of radiolabeled…
New article in the Journal of Nanoparticle Research!

New article in the Journal of Nanoparticle Research entitled: “Study of 223Ra uptake mechanism by Fe3O4 nanoparticles: towards new prospective theranostic SPIONs” summarizes recent results of our research focused on the 223Ra uptake mechanism by magnetic nanoparticles and a study of the possible preparation of novel theranostic radiopharmaceuticals based on…
Best oral presentation award at DNM 2016

The best professional oral presentation award at the Days of Nuclear Medicine 2016, held in Luhačovice on September 21st-23rd, assigned by the conference scientific committee to RNDr. Martin Vlk, Ph.D. for the presentation of the contribution entitled: “Evaluation of 223Ra-labelled magnetic nanopaticles in vivo” authored by: Vlk M., Mokhodoeva O., Mičolová P., Málková E., Marešová L., Jandová…
Book chapter in “Isotopes in Nanoparticles Fundamentals and Applications”

New publication – book chapter entitled “7-Beryllium-Recoil-Labelling of Nanoparticles” by Uwe Holzwarth, Neil Gibson, Matteo Dalmiglio and Jan Kozempel just appeared in a book “Isotopes in Nanoparticles Fundamentals and Applications” published by Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd. More information on publisher website here.
Agency for Health Research of the Czech Republic awarded!
On 23rd Feb. 2016 the Agency for Health Research of the Czech Republic published the results of one-stage public competition for years 2016 – 2019. In total 628 projects were submitted. The Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic finalised the list of the projects recommended for financial support awards together with budget allocation of 289.4 million CZK for 2016, that allowed to support 139 projects (22,13 % of total received proposals). Total costs for the awarded project proposals is 1,400. million CZK.
Project proposal by IMC AS CR (Mgr. Martin Hrubý, Ph.D.), LF UPOL (PharmDr. Miloš Petřík, Ph.D.) and FJFI ČVUT (RNDr. Ján Kozempel, Ph.D.) grant No.: 16-30544A “New multistage nanodiagnostics for cancer imaging and prediction of antiangiogenic therapy efficacy” with a total budget of 15,136,000.- CZK was evaluated and took 14th place in panel 3 – tumorous diseases (in total 129 project proposals were funded).
more information is available on web-pages of Health Research Agency of the Czech Republic
New Czech patent issued!
On 27th of January 2016 the Industrial property officee of the Čzech Republic issued the patent No.: 305667 “Method of chromatographic separation of radionuclide mixture, chromatographic paper, process for its preparation and kit for radionuclide mixture separation” authored by J. Kozempel, M. Vlk, P. Mičolová a A. Bajzíková.
Disclosed is a method of chromatographic separation of radionuclide mixture, wherein the separation is carried out on a chromatographic paper with an in advance impregnated non-polar extraction agent N,N,N´,N´-tetrahydrocarbyl diglycolyl amide with an aqueous solution of a mineral acid as a mobile base. Further, the invention provides a chromatographic paper impregnated with N,N,N´,N´-tetrahydrocarbyl diglycolyl amide, process for its preparation, and a kit for the separation of a radionuclide mixture containing the paper and a mineral acid aqueous solution.
Original document can be downloaded here: http://spisy.upv.cz/Patents/FullDocuments/305/305667.pdf
Therapy of oncological diseases
Article entitled “Therapy of oncological diseases” was published in Tecnicall journal by Jan Kozempel.
Full text in Czech is available here: http://www.tecnicall.cz/clanek/2015-03-onkologie
Professor of UEZO firm partnerships in Russia and the Czech Republic

At a meeting held between the 10 and 18 December 2014, the Czech Republic, Prof. Dr. Ralph Santos-Oliveira, Coordinator of the Laboratory of Radiopharmacy UEZO, and established important partnerships with Prof. Dr. Jan Kozempel, the Czech Technical University in Prague and Prof. Dr. Stepan N. Kalmykov, the Moscow State University.…